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posted in DruinkJournal
Published July 01, 2006
This was an edit to my previous post, but I thought it deserved it's own post so...

Chicks are insane. So, I mentioned "The Internet Random" a few days ago. She was/is very nice. She pretty much stopped talking to me at the start of this week, so I thought "Ok, fine. She's decided she has no interest in me, she's met someone else, or something else" (Or all of the above). My ex decided to do something similar. We were doing fine together until she apparently got encephalitis, and forgot not only who I was, but the previous 6 months, which included meeting me altogether. From what I knew, she just stopped replying to my texts, and wasn't on MSN (I.e. blocked me). I say "Apparently" because she had a habbit of doing things like that that were on the edge of belife. But that's what happens when you agree to meet people who you know from The Internet. Ah yes, I failed to mention that. Ok Cupid! has a lot to answer for. I was only there for the random test things they had, because I used to be on The Spark.com (Which has turned into a school-like thingy now), which later split into The Spark and Ok Cupid. Anyway, where was I...

Yes, so The Internet Random started talking to me from Ok Cupid. My initial SYN was (Yes, I know, calm down, I said SYN) "Event Horizon is fearsome", which she apparetly ACK'd (I may have had a bit too much to drink) by adding me on MSN. SO ANYWAY. Yes, we went to get food and then to the cinema last Sunday, and (IMO) had a pretty good time. We'd been communicating mainly by text, and were sending probably 10-20 texts a day at this point. Since Sunday, she's sent a total of 4 text messages. I've sent her a few messages asking "What's wrong" and asking if "I did something to piss you off/upset you", but to no avail. Last I hear, we were maybe doing something this weekend, but it was her sisters birthday, so she'd let me know if she was free.
Considering I haven't heard a thing since Wendesday, I think I'll assume that a) she's not free this weekend and/or b) she's lost all/any interest in me. Which sucks.
On the plus side, I actually got paid. I was half expecting to not get paid, and I was about 90% sure I wasn't going to get my travel expenses paid (Which I have, yay).

Anyway, I'm going to sod off. I got up at 17:45 today, which wasn't too bad. It was my first long lie in in 2 weeks, so I was determined to make the most of it, damnit. So I hope to do the same tomorrow (today), Hopefully this time I will a) be woken by a text message from Internet Random, or b) not by my dad screaming at me to do the vacuuming...

Anyway, I'm going to bed. I agree with Mithrandir 100%. He's been right about pretty much every descision in my love life, so feh. Mith wins.
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