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posted in DruinkJournal
Published August 23, 2006
Random fact of the day
Passing 60.0f for the FOV to D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH() gives you an upside-down scene

It took me about 45 minutes this morning to spot that bug. I was passing 60 degrees to a function that was expecting radians. I'm surprised it "worked" so well. Everything looked good, maybe the FOV was a little wide but I didn't notice that since I was only drawing 1 triangle. Oh yes, and it was flipped about the X axis...

In other news, 2d code is done (I think I said that before), and I'm working on 3D code now. I want to get some simple meshes working, which just spew out an indexed triangle list. I'm currently working on loading MD2 models for testing purposes.
I want to be able to add layers onto the model so I can add a bump map layer, a texture layer, a diffuse layer, etc. Should be pretty good if it all works.

I also like my vertex declaration class. I may as well post it in full here.

//==========================================================================// VetexDecl.h - Vertex declaration class//==========================================================================#ifndef __VERTEXDECL_H__#define __VERTEXDECL_H__#include #include struct IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9;class CVertexDecl{public:	CVertexDecl();	~CVertexDecl();	void Reset();	// Append types	CVertexDecl& AppendPosition();	CVertexDecl& AppendNormal();	CVertexDecl& AppendDiffuse();	CVertexDecl& AppendSpecular();	CVertexDecl& AppendTextureCoords();	// Return the vertex declaration	// Reference count is incremented - remember to Release() it!	IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* GetDecl();private:	IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9*	m_pDecl;	std::vector	m_vDecl;};#endif /* __VERTEXDECL_H__ */

//==========================================================================// VetexDecl.cpp - Vertex declaration class//==========================================================================#include #include #include "Common/mmgr.h"#include "VertexDecl.h"#include "Common/Log.h"#include "D3DDevice/D3DDevice.h"//==========================================================================// Used for comparing vertex elementsstatic const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 s_streamEnd = D3DDECL_END();static bool operator==(const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9& a, const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9& b){	return memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(a)) == 0;}//==========================================================================// Base class//==========================================================================CVertexDecl::CVertexDecl() :	m_pDecl(NULL){}CVertexDecl::~CVertexDecl(){	if(m_pDecl)	{		m_pDecl->Release();		m_pDecl = NULL;	}}void CVertexDecl::Reset(){	if(m_pDecl)	{		m_pDecl->Release();		m_pDecl = NULL;	}	m_vDecl.clear();}CVertexDecl& CVertexDecl::AppendPosition(){	if(!m_vDecl.empty() && m_vDecl.back() == s_streamEnd)		m_vDecl.pop_back();	D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 theElement = {		0,							// Stream		0,							// Offset		D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3,			// Type / Size		D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT,		// Method		D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION,		// Usage		0							// Usage index	};	m_vDecl.push_back(theElement);	if(m_pDecl)	{		m_pDecl->Release();		m_pDecl = NULL;	}	return *this;}CVertexDecl& CVertexDecl::AppendNormal(){	if(!m_vDecl.empty() && m_vDecl.back() == s_streamEnd)		m_vDecl.pop_back();	D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 theElement = {		0,							// Stream		0,							// Offset		D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3,			// Type / Size		D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT,		// Method		D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL,		// Usage		0							// Usage index	};	m_vDecl.push_back(theElement);	if(m_pDecl)	{		m_pDecl->Release();		m_pDecl = NULL;	}	return *this;}CVertexDecl& CVertexDecl::AppendDiffuse(){	if(!m_vDecl.empty() && m_vDecl.back() == s_streamEnd)		m_vDecl.pop_back();	D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 theElement = {		0,							// Stream		0,							// Offset		D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR,		// Type / Size		D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT,		// Method		D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR,			// Usage		0							// Usage index	};	m_vDecl.push_back(theElement);	if(m_pDecl)	{		m_pDecl->Release();		m_pDecl = NULL;	}	return *this;}CVertexDecl& CVertexDecl::AppendSpecular(){	if(!m_vDecl.empty() && m_vDecl.back() == s_streamEnd)		m_vDecl.pop_back();	D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 theElement = {		0,							// Stream		0,							// Offset		D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR,		// Type / Size		D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT,		// Method		D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR,			// Usage		1							// Usage index	};	m_vDecl.push_back(theElement);	if(m_pDecl)	{		m_pDecl->Release();		m_pDecl = NULL;	}	return *this;}CVertexDecl& CVertexDecl::AppendTextureCoords(){	if(!m_vDecl.empty() && m_vDecl.back() == s_streamEnd)		m_vDecl.pop_back();	D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 theElement = {		0,							// Stream		0,							// Offset		D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2,			// Type / Size		D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT,		// Method		D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD,		// Usage		0							// Usage index	};	m_vDecl.push_back(theElement);	if(m_pDecl)	{		m_pDecl->Release();		m_pDecl = NULL;	}	return *this;}IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* CVertexDecl::GetDecl(){	// If declaration is already valid, no need to regenerate it	if(m_pDecl)	{		m_pDecl->AddRef();		return m_pDecl;	}	// Loop through the list, updating the offset and usage index	DWORD dwOffset = 0;	DWORD dwIndex[14];	for(int i=0; i<14; ++i)		dwIndex = 0;	for(size_t i=0; i	{		Assert(m_vDecl.Usage < 14);		m_vDecl.Offset = (WORD)dwOffset;		m_vDecl.UsageIndex = (BYTE)dwIndex[m_vDecl.Usage];		switch(m_vDecl.Type)		{		case D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1: dwOffset += sizeof(float); break;		case D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2: dwOffset += sizeof(float)*2; break;		case D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3: dwOffset += sizeof(float)*3; break;		case D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4: dwOffset += sizeof(float)*4; break;		case D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR: dwOffset += sizeof(DWORD); break;		case D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4: dwOffset += sizeof(BYTE)*4; break;		case D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2: dwOffset += sizeof(SHORT)*2; break;		case D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4: dwOffset += sizeof(SHORT)*4; break;		default: Assert(false);		}		++dwIndex[m_vDecl.Usage];	}	// Add the terminator	m_vDecl.push_back(s_streamEnd);	// Now create the declaration	HRESULT hResult = CD3DDevice::Get().GetDevice()->CreateVertexDeclaration(&m_vDecl[0], &m_pDecl);	if(FAILED(hResult))	{		CLog::ErrorFormat("Failed to create vertex declaration. Error: %s\n", DXGetErrorString(hResult));		return NULL;	}	// Done	m_pDecl->AddRef();	return m_pDecl;}

And the reason I like it; Example usage:
IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* pDecl = CVertexDecl().AppendPosition().AppendDiffuse().AppendTextureCoords().GetDecl()
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So you entered 60 radians which is the same as 3.266 radians which is like 187 degrees and a little bigger than PI. That may be why it didn't look so bad and was flipped.
August 23, 2006 12:17 PM
Evil Steve
Indeed. Although 60 radians = 3437.74677 degrees. Which explains why it got so messed up [smile]
August 23, 2006 02:06 PM
Wait, so why are you doing 3D stuff? Its for teh MMORPG right? I thought you were keeping that strictly-2D??!

PS: If I ever go back to D3D, I'm stealing your Vertex Declaration code. Normally I'd just use the old skool FVFs, but that would actually make vertex dec's managable. It's nonesense otherwise :O
August 23, 2006 09:14 PM
Quote: Original post by Mushu
Wait, so why are you doing 3D stuff? Its for teh MMORPG right? I thought you were keeping that strictly-2D??!

PS: If I ever go back to D3D, I'm stealing your Vertex Declaration code. Normally I'd just use the old skool FVFs, but that would actually make vertex dec's managable. It's nonesense otherwise :O

What do you mean it's nonsense otherwise?

@Steve: Nice vertex declaration class! And, I too am intriqued as to what you're doing in 3D O_o
August 23, 2006 10:15 PM
Evil Steve
Quote: Original post by Mushu
PS: If I ever go back to D3D, I'm stealing your Vertex Declaration code. Normally I'd just use the old skool FVFs, but that would actually make vertex dec's managable. It's nonesense otherwise :O
Be my guest. I'm using vertex declarations because FVF's are gone in D3D10, and I really need to learn them.

I'm doing 3D stuff just so I can say the engine supports it. And it'll allow me to do cool effects ;)
August 24, 2006 07:52 AM

August 24, 2006 08:54 AM
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