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posted in DruinkJournal
Published September 14, 2006
Well, I haven't been posting much because I haven't been sleeping much either. I worked out last night that since Friday I've had around 14 hours sleep. Joy. So I just feel completely zombie-like.

Anyway, I've been reading Game Scripting Mastery (So far covered the language, the assembler and the VM), and all the time I'm thinking "I could do that better". So I'm going to.
As a little side project, I'm going to make my own scripting language; DruinkScript. As the book does, I'll work on the assembly part first, and I'll have a fair bit more instructions than it does.

Key features of the intended DruinkScript:

  • Syntax similar to x86 assembly, except for functions which will be implemented looking like C / Lua. Example:
    function myFunc()
    pop r0
    pop r1
    ret 17
    Or something like that anyway.

  • Pleanty of registers. I'm thinking 32 or 64 string and integer/float registers. Means less screwing about with the stack

  • An extensive debugger. I want to be able to connect an external debugger application to the program executing the script, which will connect with a socket. That debugger should be able to do everything the MSVC debugger can do (Except edit and continue), source code lines (when the compiler is done), register values, stack values, variable watch, breakpoints, watchpoints, etc

  • Ability to compile / assemble scripts as debug or release. Debug will have debug info in them, Release won't.

  • Ability to compile DruinkScript as debug or release. Debug includes the debugger and will probably have more runtime checks

I think that'll do for a decent sized side project.
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ambitious - I like it [smile]

Although, just to play devils advocate - care to make an entry covering what you don't like about existing scripting languages and how you're gonna do it better?

Have you looked at GameMonkey? Evolutional has me convinced that GM has to feature in a future project of mine [grin]

September 14, 2006 05:44 AM
Evil Steve
Quote: Original post by jollyjeffers
ambitious - I like it [smile]

Although, just to play devils advocate - care to make an entry covering what you don't like about existing scripting languages and how you're gonna do it better?

Have you looked at GameMonkey? Evolutional has me convinced that GM has to feature in a future project of mine [grin]

Sure, I'll try and remember to make a post later today / tomorrow. I had a brief look at, but I didn't really like it. I can't remember exactly what I didn't like about it though, I'll have to take another look.

My scripting language should have a lot better support for string manipulation (Pretty much any string operation should be supported by a single opcode). I seem to find that lacking a lot in other scripting languages.
September 14, 2006 07:16 AM
Stteeevveee??!? What happened to Lua?!
September 14, 2006 09:19 AM
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Just do the new Druink, you fool.


Get a release first, Steve, then add all the other unnecessities!!!
September 14, 2006 11:37 AM
Evil Steve
Quote: Original post by Mushu
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Just do the new Druink, you fool.


Get a release first, Steve, then add all the other unnecessities!!!
Yes, Druink is almost fully functional. I just need to add some string functions, then I'll be done.
September 15, 2006 03:43 AM
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