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posted in DruinkJournal
Published December 14, 2006
Apparently we had a power cut or something today at 2pm or so. I didn't manage to get my server up till 9pm though. I got home at about 7:30pm, and tried tinkering around with things, and then tried phoning Blueyonder tech support (Who are surprisingly good). My router wasn't able to get an IP address for some reason, so they got me to plug the modem directly into the PC, and restart the modem. That worked.
So, I then plugged the router in, and it stopped working. I rebooted my server, and ipconfig said that its IP was Which is wrong, since my router dishes out static IPs and my server should be After more potering around, I discovered that our wireless router - which is set up in access point mode - has decided that even though it's an access point, it's going to try and grab all the IP addresses, and act as a DHCP server. So, the access point was grabbing the IP from the modem before the router had a chance, and it was then dishing out IP addresses to the PCs on the network. But since there was no port forwarding set up on the access point, nobody could get to my server from the Internet, and for some reason nobody could get on the Internet from inside the network.

So, unplugging the access point while everything else booted up, and then plugging it in after seems to have fixed it. Now I need to investigate why the hell it's started doing that now...


So. Code generation is nearly working now. The optimiser is a work in progress.

Input file:
void Test() {
int test = 12 + 5 * 4 - 100 / 50;

Output file:
; test.dasm; Compiled from test.ds; By DruinkScript Compiler v1.0;---------------------------------------; Function: Test; Returns: void; Parameters: Nonefunc Test{	push	50	push	100	pop	r0	pop	r1	div	r0, r1	push	r0	push	4	push	5	pop	r0	pop	r1	mul	r0, r1	push	r0	push	12	pop	r0	pop	r1	add	r0, r1	push	r0	pop	r0	pop	r1	sub	r0, r1	push	r0	pop	r0	mov	test, r0}

After step 1 of optimising (Removing push/pop pairs):
func Test{	mov	r0, 100	mov	r1, 50	div	r0, r1	mov	r0, 5	mov	r1, 4	mul	r0, r1	mov	r0, 12	mov	r1, r0	add	r0, r1	mov	r0, r0	mov	r1, r0	sub	r0, r1	mov	r0, r0	mov	test, r0}
(Comments removed)

After step 2 of optimising (Removing redundant mov's):
func Test{	mov	r0, 100	div	r0, 50	mov	r0, 5	mul	r0, 4	mov	r0, 12	mov	r1, r0	add	r0, r1	mov	r0, r0	mov	r1, r0	sub	r0, r1	mov	r0, r0	mov	test, r0}

Hmm. Yeah. Needs some work...

I know the expression itself isn't getting optimised, but it will do eventually.

Other exciting stuff: That last line there, where it moves register 0 into test. Yeah, that's broken too. I have three choices that are immediately obvious:
  1. Make DruinkASM and DruinkVM support stack offsets, x86 style (mov eax, [esp-4]).

  2. Make DruinkASM and DruinkVM support a variable location, like I do with registers. E.g. v0..v10. That limits the number of variables I can support, however.

  3. Have an infinite number of registers (Or 65536 or something), and store variables in registers. This is my preference, and the script can say how many registers it needs, so there's no need for redundant allocations.

Still, nothing that major. I also need to give this thing some serious testing, and then I want to make some performance test apps between DruinkScript and Lua, and some profiling. Firstly, a fibonacci sequence app (Although that really just tests how expensive function calls are), and some other test, like looping 10000 times, doing something or other (Calling a C++ func?)

Shit. I need a stack to recurse. Looks like I'll be going for option #1. Should be easy anyway, I can just move stuff from stack to register when needed.
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stack offsets, steve, stack offsets.
December 14, 2006 03:15 PM
December 16, 2006 04:52 AM
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