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Good news and bad news

posted in DruinkJournal
Published May 18, 2009
Good news: A CD I ordered arrived today. Yay, new musics.
Bad news: Let's Direct still haven't returned our flat deposit. We moved out on the 12th of February, and I sent them proof of payment of council tax on the 28th March. The lease says they will return the deposit within 10 days of receiving proof of payment for all bills (Council tax was the last because they had to wait a month to process it apparently...), and Scottish law says they have to return it within 1 month or give a reason for withholding it. My ex-flatmate has phoned up 7 or 8 times now and been told that it'll be posted "tomorrow". I'm going to phone them tomorrow, and then when I have to phone them the next time I'll say that unless we receive it by the date they say I'm going to be taking court action. Alternatively, I could just send them a letter saying that anyway (Which I think I'll do tomorrow if I remember).

Bad news: I got flashed by a speed camera on my way home from visiting my girlfriend tonight. It's a road that used to be a 40mph limit, but is now apparently a 30mph limit, and I was doing 40mph.
Good news: The camera was on the other side of the road, was facing me and is according to the speed camera database, a camera that can only take back-facing photos because it flashes, and it's dangerous to flash oncoming cars. So I might get away with it. Although if I do get a penalty for it, I don't mind too much, I knew it was a 30 limit, I just didn't notice I was doing 40 :/

Bad news: I was told that I have to spend my MVP bucks ($150 credit at the Microsoft company store) by the 1st July. So I went and used it up on Friday before I forgot.
Good news: Toys! I got a copy of Vista (You can never have too many copies of Vista...), 2 yo-yo's, 10 packets of mints, 2 stress balls, a stapleless stapler, a pen, 2 packets of jelly bellys, a stuffed kangaroo and a Xbox 360 console rucksack. The last two, one packet of mints and one packet of jelly bellys went to the girlfriend, the rest I'll be taking into work to play with tomorrow.

Good news: Combichrist are playing in Edinburgh this coming weekend and I have tickets!
Bad news: They're playing on a Sunday
Good news: It's a bank holiday Monday!
Bad news: We're very busy at work, so I probably won't be able to get the Monday off :(

Well, I think that's enough vented bi-polar for now. Bed time.
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Hopefully you get your flat deposit. I would write them a letter anyhow, and hopefully they get the hint. I've had cases where I've been screwed over for a lot of money, you just gotta keep on their butts and use whatever means possible to get your cash.
May 18, 2009 05:46 PM
screw phoning them or sending them letters, its all about direct-action. Firebomb their offices.

I have to spend my MVP Bucks and am tempted to order 100 of those $1.50 pens. Not that I have a particular requirement for them, just for the hell of it really.
May 19, 2009 05:16 PM
So what exactly are these MVP bucks that you guys speak of? Some sort of Microsoft Store Only credits that you get for becoming an MVP?
May 21, 2009 11:19 AM
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