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posted in DruinkJournal
Published September 13, 2005
Well, I'm procrastinating just now, so I decided to post here. I'm just starting to do collision detection in my editor, and it seems to be working fairly well. You can draw single lines at the moment, and I'm about to change it so you draw polylines. All the lines are just jammed into a vector, and I should really optimize them with a quad tree, or just split the map into sections. Otherwise it'll get horribly slow. Although I think I'll just leave that until it becomes a problem.
4009 lines of code so far, according to Project Line Counter. I'm about to start on the pointer tool for collision, after I make the lines into polylines.

Here, have a screenshot of the collision lines in their current state:

I E-mailed Rockstar earlier, to follow up on my application. Apparently the person I've been in contact with has been out of the office since the start of the month, but she'll get the interviewers to send me a letter this week. So it seems that I've been sitting around for 2 weeks for not reason. Peh. Oh well.
I also had someone from another recruitment agency phoning me up. He E-mailed me to ask if I was interested in a job, but it needs a 2:1 degree, and I only have a 3 year BSc, which is just a "Pass". So he phoned me up to tell me that they needed a 2:1 degree, but would keep my CV on file (I.e. enter some keywords into a database and bin it). Why he needed to phone me up to tell me this is beyond me...

Apparently I failed at posting 1 journal entry a day. Well, if your timezone is GMT (and you set the GDNet boards to GMT), then you'll find that my last post was on the 12th of September, in the wee small hours. So I'm still standing by my ability to keep up my 1-entry-a-day spree.

Well, that'll do for now. I may post later with some more spraff, or I might wait till tomorrow We'll see...
Previous Entry Alcohol is awesome
Next Entry Ok, another entry
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Your screenshot looks remarkably like a scary slippery, goo-infested bridge!.
September 13, 2005 10:49 AM
Quote: Original post by Evil Steve
I E-mailed Rockstar earlier, to follow up on my application. Apparently the person I've been in contact with has been out of the office since the start of the month, but she'll get the interviewers to send me a letter this week. So it seems that I've been sitting around for 2 weeks for not reason. Peh. Oh well.

I noticed the link to the Tools Programmer position you posted further down your journal. FYI, GDNet has a jobs section too [smile]: http://www.gamedev.net/gamejobs/default.asp?JobID=592.
September 13, 2005 12:05 PM
Evil Steve
Yeah, I already knew about the GDNet jobs section. Unfortunately, most of the jobs there are in the US, or not in the UK anyway.
I heard about the job through a newsletter I get daily (gamesindustry.biz) anyway.

I'll have to take another look through the GDNet jobs [smile]
September 13, 2005 12:17 PM
That sucks a bit that whomever just left you "hanging around" while they went off on holiday/whatever [oh]

Not that you seem to have any shortage of things to write about, but if you do get stuck... Any chance of revealing your sources/processes for at least applying for UK games-related jobs?

I'll be in my 4th/final year soon, and I probably should start looking [smile]

September 13, 2005 01:25 PM
Evil Steve
I just sign up to every single online job site that I can find.

The only two that seem reasonably useful are gamesindustry.biz and jobsite.co.uk. Gamesindustry.biz sends me a daily newsletter which has a load of jobs in the UK, and Jobsite sends me an e-mail every week or so with between 1 and 4 jobs listed.

Usually about 50% of the jobsite jobs are worth applying for, and about 1 or 2 a week for the gamesindustry.biz one.

My CV seems to be getting around a lot though, I think various jobsites must share my info with other sites. I dunno...
September 13, 2005 02:17 PM
Evil Steve
Oh, and evelyn - My friend's response to your comment (the one who did the image you were commenting on):
Quote: On Steves gamedev journal:

"Your screenshot looks remarkably like a scary slippery, goo-infested bridge!."

I will fucking hunt her, it's blatantly a line of rock with fookin grass over it. And if you look closely at the detail left from when I scanned it you can ACTUALLY make out some sweat and tears. No blood though, I dont do bleeding. I'm too nuggets
September 13, 2005 02:53 PM
[lol] [grin] [dead]...
September 13, 2005 04:30 PM
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