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Interview results

posted in DruinkJournal
Published February 18, 2006
Well, I went for my Interview. It was pretty good. It was a bit more in-depth than my Rockstar review, asking me more questions about my code and a few little tests to see how much I know about e.g. the STL.
I brought my laptop along which was handy, since I could show the two guys my code in action, and show them the code in Visual Studio. We concentrated on DruinkBomber (in my showcase), since it was the first project I showed them (I was just going to go through it in roughly alphabetical order). I was asked a few questions about my coding style, such as why I use #defines more often than enums (My answer: "Because #defines define one token, enums define several, and if you're passing enums over a DLL boundary, things get messy), and why I use m_ ang g_ prefixes and suchlike.
They also asked about the general structure of my code, such as how I "plugged in" my sound manager, so I pointed out how it's pretty much standalone and the sound manager is a singleton. They seemed interested in how modular my code was, perhaps because they reuse a lot of base code and engine code.
They pointed out that my CV is missing a few things; I don't mention that I've used zlib, bz2, A* and the STL for instance. I'll update my CV in a moment to reflect that.
I was also asked about gameplay features, such as in a game that I've played, where is the divide between AI scripting and complete AI control? I said that the scripting gives a more general overview, for example telling a group of enemies to walk along a patrol path, but it doesn't tell them to duck and run for cover if they're being attacked.

Things that went "wrong" (Well, not perfectly):
  • My laptop battery died after an hour and a half, making it difficult to show more demos
  • My AI interface in DruinkBomber doesn't have a destructor; as one of the guys pointed out (Everyone makes mistakes :P)
  • I was asked "What could be a problem with std::vector and using pointers?", and I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. He hinted "Well, if you store a pointer to the first element and then add another element, what happens?", so I said "Oh, the pointer may be invalid. It's only guaranteed to be valid until the next non-const operation on the vector". Again, not a major thing at all, but it was something I didn't get straight away.
  • My MMORPG game and editor code is in a VC2005 solution, and I only have VC2003 on my laptop, and I didn't have time to recreate a 2003 solution (My laptop was beeping about it's low battery)
  • My binary of my MMORPG and editor needs the February 2006 DX version, so I got a lovely "The DLL d3dx_27.dll cannot be found" message box when I came to say "And here's my current project. *pause* Bugger." At least they found it ammusing :P

    And that's about it. They said they have a few others to interview (obviously), and they'll let me know as soon as possible. On my CV, I have a notice period of 1 month and they asked if the 1 month could vary (I presume they need people soon). I haven't signed a contract yet at PC World (Which is illegal), so I could technically just walk out.

    Anyway, time to go and do some more work to my MMORPG, then I'm off out to get muntered.
  • Previous Entry I'm not dead!
    Next Entry Borked PSU Joy
    0 likes 8 comments


    Damn you.
    February 18, 2006 10:48 AM
    They pointed out that my CV is missing a few things; I don't mention that I've used zlib, bz2, A* and the STL for instance. I'll update my CV in a moment to reflect that.

    hmmm, thats an intresting thing which I never would have thought to put on a CV, I tend to go with overview stuff.. I'll have to keep it in mind next time I do an update...
    February 18, 2006 10:49 AM
    Rob Loach
    That sucks about the technical problems...
    February 18, 2006 11:47 AM
    Why does no one bring their AC cords with them?
    February 18, 2006 11:51 AM
    Evil Steve
    There isn't really enough room in my laptop case for an AC adapter and my laptop and mouse. When it's fully charged, I get about 2 hours use out of it, but it wasn't fully charged >_<
    February 18, 2006 11:57 AM
    Hope it turns out ok for you.
    What is a "CV"?
    February 18, 2006 02:34 PM
    Quote: What is a "CV"?

    CV: curriculum vitae
    in other word a resume
    February 18, 2006 07:56 PM
    Quote: hmmm, thats an intresting thing which I never would have thought to put on a CV, I tend to go with overview stuff.. I'll have to keep it in mind next time I do an update...

    I always make sure I put down all the technical skills I have and estimate my proficency.

    At the place I'm working now we ask candidates to do much the same with a pre-interview form. Ranking their skills on a variety of things from 1-10. 10 meaning complete mastery. Just make sure the answers you give are realistic!
    February 20, 2006 08:17 AM
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