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Various Questions

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4 comments, last by Tom Sloper 13 years, 9 months ago

Some background: I graduated from university (BSc Hons 2:2 Comp Sci) just over two years ago, and I'm just on my way back home having been backpacking round the world. I really want to get into computer games any way I can, my long term career goal to eventually be a game designer (currently reading http://www.sloperama.com/).

However I have lots of questions

1. Is it worth creating a portfolio with a whole mix of things (such as level designs, mods and a demo, things in various languages rather than all c++) or just one? Would it hurt my chances if having gone down the programming road in my degree I turn up looking for non-programming jobs?

2. I'm producing a demo from the ground up, but Im unsure how much of my demo is expected to be of my own making? I often find when I google for help on a problem that there is an elegant and efficient solution already made by someone out there, that could easily be copied and pasted into my code. Is it acceptable to copy and paste whole chunks of code in some cases, and acknowledge the original authors? I seem to be re-inventing a lot of wheels...

3. I graduated with no particular speciality. Should I pick one or two areas now and focus in on them or try to market myself to games companies as a generalist (and/or someone they can moulde to fit a requirement in their team)?

4. Maths is not my strong point (I can't do matrix multiplication in my head. I can do it, just with the aide of a pen, paper and a good chunk of time). Should I get out now?

5. Is further education (such as a masters degree or 'game design' type degree) going to help me or will it just be a waste of time vs. spending the same time gaining professional experience?

6. Is it common / easy to switch into the games industry from the broader field of IT? So for example, if I go off and spend two years as a junior developer at "Big Corporation X" making back office systems, will games companies value that over say being the guy who brings round the coffees at a 'serious games developer'?

7. I'm using directX9, which is getting quite old now. Am I going to get marked down by potential employers for not using the latest version?

I'll probably think of some more questions later. Sorry for throwing so many out in one thread, but I think it beats creating 7 new ones :D


Spoon Thumb
Android Developer for Crystalline Green
1.a. Read FAQ 66 (click "View Forum FAQ," above).
1.b. Read FAQ 71 at http://www.sloperama.com/advice.html
2.a. You tell the interviewer, and explain on your portfolio site, how much of your demo you did.
2.b. Not supposed to use others' code, but if it's open source and you attribute... I don't know.
3. Read FAQ 40.
4. If you want to.
5. Read FAQ 51.
6.a. No. Read FAQs 26 & 30.
6.b. Don't fret over appearances.
7. Read FAQ 71.

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

1. Focus on what you are applying for. If you are applying for a programmer, level designs don't help unless you have done a serious amount of scripting in them.

2. Whatever you are focusing on should be yours. If you are a physics specialist, then using graphics libraries to render something on screen is fair game.

3. You should look a speciality. Being aware or good in most areas while being really good and knowledgeable in one or two is the norm.

4. No. We have libraries for that. As long as you know how to apply the math, that's usually fine.

5. If you think you need it academic wise (ie to learn something new), it isn't a waste of time.

6. Common, yes. Easy, depends.

7. Only if you are applying to be a graphics and/or Direct X programmer

Steven Yau
[Blog] [Portfolio]

Quote: Original post by Tom Sloper
1.a. 'Stop Whining'
1.b. 'Stop Whining'
2.a. You tell the interviewer, and explain on your portfolio site, how much of your demo you did.
2.b. Not supposed to use others' code, but if it's open source and you attribute... I don't know.
3. 'Do something you enjoy'
4. 'Stop Whining'
5. 'Stop Whining'
6. 'Stop Whining'
7. 'Stop Whining'

Programming is not my passion, and it does not come naturally to me. I thought at high school that computer science was the degree most likely to help me get into the industry, and now that I've invested 3+ years in it, it would seem to offer me the best chance

My questions were more aimed within the context of making a demo (or whatever else) to get my foot in the door
Android Developer for Crystalline Green
Quote: Original post by Spoon Thumb
2. ...Is it acceptable to copy and paste whole chunks of code in some cases, and acknowledge the original authors? I seem to be re-inventing a lot of wheels...

Your portfolio/job hunting - If you want to demonstrate an elegant physics solution you devised and you need graphics code to show it off then it is acceptable to use that code provided that you make it clear which code is yours and which isn't. However, when you get a job things change. The industry makes extensive use of libraries of existing code but they license them (and pay) in order to use them in their games.

1. Using someone else's code without their permission is copyright infringement. Using said code in a commercial game could lead to serious problems. Adding an acknowledgement that the code is someone else's would actually make the offense more serious (willful infringement).

2. Every publishing agreement a development company signs will require them to warrant that the code, art, sound etc are original to the developer (except for those parts specifically licensed for use in the game - such as 3rd party sound drivers etc).

3. Because of point 2 above most sensible game development companies have a clause in their employment contract, or state in their rules of employment, that all work must be original and that the use of copyright material (that has not been specifically licensed by the company) is forbidden.*

Getting caught using someone else's code/art in a commercial game would have serious legal implications for the publisher, developer and you. The copyright owner could sue any one of you and if the publisher/develop gets sued you can bet they will pass along the pain to you.

Can you get away with using a couple of lines of code without anyone spotting it? Probably. However, the larger the piece of code the more likely someone will recognize it. Remember, if you have found a particularly elegant piece of code on the internet you can bet that other fellow developers have seen it too. It only takes one disgruntled ex-employee to dob in a developer for using "stolen code" and you will be in a world of pain.

4. Cutting and pasting won't make you a better programmer. If you find a more elegant solution you should study it to work out why it is better and then try to come up with your own version. Also, just because you found a more elegant solution than the one you came up with does not mean there isn't an even better way of solving the problem. You are unlikely to ever devise that solution unless you fully understand the concepts behind the code you are using and practice solving problems yourself. Use the idea, not the code.

* Even if your employer does not explicitly prohibit the use of copyright material that doesn't mean you aren't liable if you infringe someone else's intellectual property rights. A company should list company specific policies such as email usage, holidays, disciplinary policy etc but they don't need to explicitly list all the illegal actions you should not do.

[Edited by - Obscure on September 20, 2010 9:26:10 PM]
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
Quote: Original post by Spoon Thumb
1. Programming is not my passion, and it does not come naturally to me.
2. I thought at high school that computer science was the degree most likely to help me get into the industry, and now that I've invested 3+ years in it, it would seem to offer me the best chance
3. My questions were more aimed within the context of making a demo (or whatever else) to get my foot in the door

1. That's too bad. I hope you do find your passion, and a way to pursue it.
2. Well, maybe. But the question is, will you really enjoy it, will you do well at it.
3. Okay. Want to rephrase them?

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

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