
Breaking into industry without coding or art skills.

Started by February 27, 2013 09:58 AM
30 comments, last by walsh06 11 years, 3 months ago

Kyle Rowley, on 05 Jun 2013 - 16:03, said:
Scripting is NOT programming; understanding how to script events and prototype features using Kismit or Flow Graph is NOT programming; neither is taking functions given to you by programmers and doing basic logic with them.

This is programming. Kismet and Flowgraph are graphical programming languages. Just because your job title is not programmer and you may not know C++ does not mean that you are not programming a machine to do something.

Rowley, on 05 Jun 2013 - 16:03, said:
I can design, build and script logic into levels - but I can't program.

Yes you can. You just don't know the syntax of any main stream programming languages.

This is one of those points of discussion that always makes an argument. A scripter calls himself a programmer, and a programmer says 'scripting ain't programming.' A scripter denies being a programmer, and somebody like Buster says 'what you do is programming.'

It's just semantics.

I have done lots of programming-like things (including programming), but I am definitely not a programmer.

Think of scripting or data tables as "programming lite."

-- Tom Sloper --

Id be very interested to know what the authors role is in the Games Industry just as a direct example of the article. Its not that I dont agree with it so much I think the information is not really accurate. There are two main things and both have been mentioned.

1) The distribution of the jobs. While you show only 1 job out of 10/12 needing programming but the percentage of workers that actually is, is much larger than 1/12 people.

2) Sure you can work in finance or legal or even as someone said a janitor. But while you work in the games industry youre not having an affect on the games. It would be like saying you wanted to be a professional soccer player but you are not good enough so instead you decide to do laundry for the team. Sure you are part of it but are you doing what you want or having an impact?

My last issue really is the fact that art is being classed as drawing. Instead I think it should be classed as having a skill and seeing programming, drawing, music etc... all the same. The argument could easily be turned to say I cant program or play music what can I do? A: Do art. But what if you cant do art either.

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