
Which Game development role is the best for me?

Started by December 28, 2013 05:40 AM
12 comments, last by Demx 10 years, 8 months ago

hey i cant decide which role what fits me best.

if you need any information just ask.


+ i am good at math

+ i am a nerd

+ learning things easily

= Good commucation

= i like to do teamwork

= some time do i need a 1-2 days break

- Many ideas(its not good to have to many ideas in a game dev team.)

Roles what ive got suggested

= Programming

Roles what ive tryed:

World design ( wasnt me )

Level Design ( wasnt me )

Modeling ( i did learn the basic but did nether go futher )

Story writing ( not me at all )

Programming ( didnt get realy in to it )




What education do you have?

None i haven't still done my school.

Any skills you think might be relevant?

well i am learning stuff easily. have good comucation/teamwork.

Have you ever worked on a game alone? How did it go?


Are you aiming for a job in the industry, do you want to earn money as an indie, or are you just interested in joining hobby teams?

i will join Hobby teams until after my education is finnished after will i make my decision

Can you program?

have a bit of knownleagde

Do you have graphical design skills?

A bit have done GFX before Youtube did change to One channel Layout

Can you make music?

i have rythm. but Making music isnt me

what do you do in your spare time? When you have nothing to do, what were the things you did besides sleeping/eating?

i mostly plating games. but some days do i not play.

why do you want to get into game development?

i did make a Minecraft mod for 2 years ago. and did realy like it. and there did Game development Up.

but i did only work on my Mod for 5-6 Months. since it was not getting any download for 1-2 months.

What makes you think you belong in this industry in the first place?

Game development is a Open place to every one.

Sorry, but we're definitely going to need more information to even try to answer your question properly; you didn't really list anything that is more beneficial to any particular role over others, and "getting bored really fast" isn't really a quality well suited to ANY role.

What education do you have?
Any skills you think might be relevant?

Have you ever worked on a game alone? How did it go?

Are you aiming for a job in the industry, do you want to earn money as an indie, or are you just interested in joining hobby teams?

- Jason Astle-Adams


Sorry, but we're definitely going to need more information to even try to answer your question properly; you didn't really list anything that is more beneficial to any particular role over others, and "getting bored really fast" isn't really a quality well suited to ANY role.

What education do you have?
Any skills you think might be relevant?

Have you ever worked on a game alone? How did it go?

Are you aiming for a job in the industry, do you want to earn money as an indie, or are you just interested in joining hobby teams?

I have edited the post. Any more questions?

Can you program? Do you have graphical design skills? Can you make music?

Those are the key three areas that will allow you to get started realistically. While it's true that being able to come up with concepts is a good (and useful) skill, very few people would be willing to join up with someone who is unable to do contribute to a project in other ways besides ideas.

Can you program? Do you have graphical design skills? Can you make music?

Those are the key three areas that will allow you to get started realistically. While it's true that being able to come up with concepts is a good (and useful) skill, very few people would be willing to join up with someone who is unable to do contribute to a project in other ways besides ideas.

Edited. And Thanks for the information

From "math" and "nerd" alone, it may seem that programming is suitable for you.

However, the most important question to ask is what do you do in your spare time? When you have nothing to do, what were the things you did besides sleeping/eating?


From "math" and "nerd" alone, it may seem that programming is suitable for you.

However, the most important question to ask is what do you do in your spare time? When you have nothing to do, what were the things you did besides sleeping/eating?

Have tryed Programming but didnt realy get into it. since i dont know where to start in programming. PS eddited the post and added your question

I might humbly suggest that you're doing things a bit backwards. I think most people don't choose a fairly narrow and specialized profession as a goal and then try to fit themselves into it somehow. There's nothing inherently wrong with that approach, but there's a danger of focusing so much on that goal that one might miss or dismiss their true calling.

For myself, I became interested in creating games, and as I explored what that was, doing the programming, the art, writing, level design, and dabbling in sound and music, I found that I really enjoyed the programming part most. But if I hadn't enjoyed any of it I wouldn't have pursued it.

What you *don't* want to end up doing is putting yourself into a position where you only tolerate work that you're not excited about because you get to make games--because if the gaming angle falls through you're going to be unhappy doing the same work elsewhere to make ends meet.

Find the work that you enjoy, and then do your best to put those skills to work towards something you can be proud of. Don't put pride above satisfaction.

You're young, explore while you can. Continue exploring gaming, spend some more time programming (it takes awhile to push yourself over the first hump or three before it begins to feel natural and enjoyable), and explore other things you think you might enjoy too.

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thebrav, I moved your post from the Lounge to the Game Industry Job Advice board. I highly recommend you read this forum's FAQs. It will surely answer a lot of questions for you and help you make a decision.

-- Tom Sloper --

thebrav, I moved your post from the Lounge to the Game Industry Job Advice board. I highly recommend you read this forum's FAQs. It will surely answer a lot of questions for you and help you make a decision.

I realy srry dint see the Job advice section did look a bit to post it so i jusy posted it in the general wont happend agiang

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