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Questions regarding how did you manage school

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17 comments, last by Ovicior 8 years, 6 months ago

Mostly I looked at example questions and solutions, either from the textbook or from past exams that our professors gave us.

Did you had anything like extra classes or just school?

Nope. I went to lectures, labs, and "tutorials" (which were a required part of the course), but I almost never went to professor or TA office hours. Most of my studying was just me and textbooks.
So did you spent some hours at home studying? I never want myself to study at home because I've tutions for around 3-4 hours a day + school 5 hours a day. I want to drop chemistry class for that tuition because the teacher is shit and I don't understand anything he says. What do you suggest me?

Mostly at home. Sometimes I went out to coffee shops or libraries to study there.


I dropped out of high school and did not attend college.

The end.

L. Spiro

Same for me, quit school at 15.

Not in India, but my story.

I started learning by books and computer magazines, because the Internet as you know it today didn't exist. LOTS of trial and error. LOTS of learning through experimentation. The Internet you know today was built up while I was in college. There were some online resources like Ralph Brown's Interrupt List and a bunch of coding guides; there were search engines like Archie and Veronica, but there were not tutorials for every subject available. You were expected to read something and figure out how to apply it yourself without a tutorial.

During classes I was exposed to and given assignments toward many features. The core of computer science is algorithms and data structures. While I had picked up some of these in trial and error and experimentation, course work exposed me to many more that I would never have discovered. While it may seem boring to study dozens of different sorting routines, knowing about them and their differences is important because eventually you will run into problems that can be better solved with a less common algorithm than the mainstream default choice.

I was also instructed on topics I did not want to learn but were important anyway. General education is useful in games. Humanities courses may seem stupid if you are a short-sighted youth, but topics like world religions and societies are important if you consider who the game audience is. Physics is core to many games. A business writing class that I hated has proven valuable through my entire career. Chemistry can give new insights on how the world works which you can use in games. In games there is no useless knowledge; sooner or later everything is useful or can be used.

That is one of the things a college program will do for you. Those who get a degree have a broad (yet shallow) knowledge, and at least a passing knowledge of many techniques. You may not use SQL in your game code and have no interest in databases, but from your mandatory databases class when you talk to the back-end folks and they start talking about queries you can have at least a vague idea what they are talking about. You may not be writing networking code and communications systems but because of your mandatory class on the subject you can understand what they are talking about. Repeat for all the other topics you may not like.

Another key element the program will do for you is help you with the ability to learn new things, to unlearn problematic items, and to re-learn fields as they change.

Both of those can be picked up out in the Real World, but it generally seems easier to pick up while you are in school.

As for getting a job, remember that university training is not career training. You can use it to gain skills that will help you, but the two are not interchangeable.

Also remember that education levels are regional. In some regions higher education is not required, just give them some code samples that show you know what you are doing. In other areas you need a college degree to break in, and even once you are in with multiple game credits employers will be suspicious if you don't have the degree.

I don't understand anything in chemistry there and I am planning to leave that class. I need your help. Can you please share your experience on how did you learn stuff while you were in school? Did you go to tuitions (or extra classes) ? When did you learn stuff? Did you use the internet for learning? What do (or did) you do when you don't (or didn't) understand stuff?

There is so much resource online these days and If you can afford to be online for at least 8 hours a day, then you should have no problems... there are lots of very great tutorials. You can even obtain quality MIT degree free online.

I will search for the various links and post an edit. Here are some...

excellent resource for maths

Free online courses from MIT (edx)

check this resource out (edx)

MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials

And so many forums where you can ask secondary level , even university level questions on so many topics. Learning online has never been so good, your enthusiasm is the only thing need.

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

Please keep in mind that there are gigantic cultural differences involved. School in the US is a vastly difference experience from school in India, which makes advice and stories from the US somewhat difficult to apply. It's possible here in the US to build a life from a non traditional path, leaving school early and returning on your own terms later or never returning at all. From what I can figure, this is next to impossible in India. Additionally, your choice of major is limited depending on your school and exam scores which also doesn't happen in the US.

There's a strong American culture of being self-made and self taught which doesn't necessarily work in other countries as a viable life path.

With that in mind, everything that's been said above about learning online is basically correct for basic education. Especially thanks to programs like MIT CourseWare and several foundations building free textbook collections, it's possible to gain massive amounts of education completely on your own.

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leaving school early and returning on your own terms later or never returning at all
being self-made and self taught which doesn't necessarily work in other countries as a viable life path

I'm not so sure about the self-taught part. As long as you can demonstrate proficiency (assuming the rest is at least "OK", that is you have at least a school certificate!), you should still be able to get hired, even if you're auto-didact. Surely not in the same salary class as someone with a university grade, but a no-suck job should certainly be attainable. Assuming your skills are what they need, and assuming you are comfortable in demonstrating that you have them.

About dropping out of school, you are most certainly right. "Dropped out of school" will absolutely not work, this is not a valid consideration.

Problem in places like India is you have 1.2 billion people of which a few thousand are extremely rich even compared to western standards, a million or two are extremely rich by Indian standards, and the remaining 1.99 billion are poor, no matter who you compared them against. A considerable part of these 1.99 billion leads a life which is not just "poor" but quite undesirable in every respect. Maybe you have seen one of these features on TV where 8-10 year old children defecate on a public place and more or less live off the garbage dump (which is on that public place, too). Poverty was kinda bad (but not so extreme) when I last visited India about 30 years ago, but their population has nearly doubled since then. So it's easy to tell that what you can see on TV is not much exaggerated.
Still, compared to the ones who have to work in the stone quarry, or compared to the ones who are abducted for organs, the kids living on the garbage dump have a pretty good life.

Everybody wants to get out of that, no surprise there.

So, unlike in other places (USA/Europe) where it's enough to be in the top-10% to get a reasonably well paid job, and in the top-5% to get a well-paid prestige job, you must be in the top-0.01% to succeed. That's simply because there's just so many more people trying to get out.

Unluckily, I can't tell a magic formula for landing in the top-0.01% (other than the obvious of being gifted, and working, working, working). I've only ever gone by "the good horse will not jump higher than it needs to", and that worked well. But I'm not in India...

Going to school at all (and finishing) even if you don't manage to be the best of the best is a good start in any case. Finishing at all more or less means being in the top-20% already, no matter how you do -- as long as you finish at all. And if you work hard, you will likely manage at least to get in the top-10%. Which means you are maybe not getting your dream job, but at least you don't have to work like an animal in a job that breaks you.

leaving school early and returning on your own terms later or never returning at all
being self-made and self taught which doesn't necessarily work in other countries as a viable life path

I'm not so sure about the self-taught part. As long as you can demonstrate proficiency (assuming the rest is at least "OK", that is you have at least a school certificate!), you should still be able to get hired, even if you're auto-didact. Surely not in the same salary class as someone with a university grade, but a no-suck job should certainly be attainable. Assuming your skills are what they need, and assuming you are comfortable in demonstrating that you have them.
About dropping out of school, you are most certainly right. "Dropped out of school" will absolutely not work, this is not a valid consideration.
Problem in places like India is you have 1.2 billion people of which a few thousand are extremely rich even compared to western standards, a million or two are extremely rich by Indian standards, and the remaining 1.99 billion are poor, no matter who you compared them against. A considerable part of these 1.99 billion leads a life which is not just "poor" but quite undesirable in every respect. Maybe you have seen one of these features on TV where 8-10 year old children defecate on a public place and more or less live off the garbage dump (which is on that public place, too). Poverty was kinda bad (but not so extreme) when I last visited India about 30 years ago, but their population has nearly doubled since then. So it's easy to tell that what you can see on TV is not much exaggerated.
Still, compared to the ones who have to work in the stone quarry, or compared to the ones who are abducted for organs, the kids living on the garbage dump have a pretty good life.
Everybody wants to get out of that, no surprise there.
So, unlike in other places (USA/Europe) where it's enough to be in the top-10% to get a reasonably well paid job, and in the top-5% to get a well-paid prestige job, you must be in the top-0.01% to succeed. That's simply because there's just so many more people trying to get out.
Unluckily, I can't tell a magic formula for landing in the top-0.01% (other than the obvious of being gifted, and working, working, working). I've only ever gone by "the good horse will not jump higher than it needs to", and that worked well. But I'm not in India...
Going to school at all (and finishing) even if you don't manage to be the best of the best is a good start in any case. Finishing at all more or less means being in the top-20% already, no matter how you do -- as long as you finish at all. And if you work hard, you will likely manage at least to get in the top-10%. Which means you are maybe not getting your dream job, but at least you don't have to work like an animal in a job that breaks you.

You mean remaining 0.99 billion :p
This is an interesting question. Mainly because I am in the process of preparing for final exams right now. For me it depends on the subject. Here is what I'm doing for each of my classes.

History: it is mostly fact based. So I will copy all of the notes that I will need. Then go back through them and cross out what I know. Then recopy what I don't. I repeat until there is nothing I'm not familiar with. This is time consuming but well worth it.
English: same thing basically
Math. My professor has given us a problem pool to do before the exam. Gig through that within 24 hours of taking the test usually work
Art: it's oroject based so I just have to manage time to make sure I can produce something im happy with.

So, I am from India and I am studying in a government school. Anyone from India knows that when they hear *government schools*, it's a synonym for schools with 3rd class teachers, 3rd class management and outdated teaching techniques. So, that's why all of the students go for so called "tuitions" but they're shit too anyway. I don't understand anything in chemistry there and I am planning to leave that class. I need your help. Can you please share your experience on how did you learn stuff while you were in school? Did you go to tuitions (or extra classes) ? When did you learn stuff? Did you use the internet for learning? What do (or did) you do when you don't (or didn't) understand stuff?

Well, that $1500 you stole could've been put to better use than building a rig with a 970 >.>

That's near 100,000 rupees.

Couldn't that be put towards a private school?

What will you make?

So, I am from India and I am studying in a government school. Anyone from India knows that when they hear *government schools*, it's a synonym for schools with 3rd class teachers, 3rd class management and outdated teaching techniques. So, that's why all of the students go for so called "tuitions" but they're shit too anyway. I don't understand anything in chemistry there and I am planning to leave that class. I need your help. Can you please share your experience on how did you learn stuff while you were in school? Did you go to tuitions (or extra classes) ? When did you learn stuff? Did you use the internet for learning? What do (or did) you do when you don't (or didn't) understand stuff?

Well, that $1500 you stole could've been put to better use than building a rig with a 970 >.>

That's near 100,000 rupees.

Couldn't that be put towards a private school?

I don't like changing schools. My school doesn't teach anything and I like that on other side cause teaching here in schools means they make you sit there for 6-7 hours a day. I don't want that.

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