
Blind Programmer Seeking a Casual/Hobby Environment in Which to Learn and Grow My Skills

Started by April 30, 2020 07:16 PM
5 comments, last by Calin 4 years, 4 months ago

Hi there. I'm a blind programmer with a background education in a smattering of different languages. I have a couple of Associates degrees, but I've found that I've learned a lot more while teaching myself than I was able to learn during two and a half years of schooling. I've put together several projects on my own, most of them unfinished, but all teaching me something new.

I'm looking for a partner/team in which I can really target my learning and grow more than I can on my own. I am blind, so game projects with high-end graphics might be impossible for me to code for, but as I've never worked on a development team before, I don't actually know. Most of my skill and experience is with client side web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (And the Twine engine in the form of Twee notation). Recently, however, I have been diving into C# and the .NET Core platform. Given my background in C++ and Java, C# in its basic form is quite familiar to me, but I've never learned how to develop a full-featured application and this is where I believe working in a team would be highly beneficial.

So, if either or both of these platforms are of interest to you and you don't need a wizard right off the bat, please send me a message. My interest is primarily RPGs and games with survival elements, and I'm also able to do some creative writing on the side, though that's not really my focus at this point. I'm aware that the Unity engine uses C#, so if it's not required that I use the actual Unity application itself, I could probably learn to script for Unity.

I look forward to hearing from some potential partners and friends. ?


Hey Tilea we could use help. I`m using c++ for codding, is c++ something you could handle?

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”


Hi. I have some familiarity with C++, but I find the language extremely difficult and frustrating to use. I suppose it depends on what you need done.


Don`t worry if you know how to code c# our c++ will pose no problem for you.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

Alright. I'd be willing to discuss further. We can either do so through messages here, by email, or over Discord.


make the pick, messages or email either is fine with me, I don`t have Discord.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

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