
Trying to make visualization of knowledge playable

Started by May 04, 2020 09:10 AM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 4 months ago

Hi there, last year I throw a thread named “why educational game has to be boring” on the forum, I wanted to make a game, mainly operational game, to teach people about boring and complicated accounting stuff. I realized I had nothing but just a thought at that time, so I worked for over a year trying to break down the boring stuff and visualization them.

I then came up with the visualization of knowledge, it's not as fun as games, but it definitely involves interactions and visual arts. For example:

A standard knowledge in text book is as boring as it can possibly get.

The visual version would be like,

As you can see it doesn't look like everything has done yet, but you get the point.

I was wondering if any programmer is interested in turning this Axure interaction into a playable app. I'm doing this on my own so I don't represent recruiter of any companies, I think I might be able to post it here since it says “chat about anything you feel like”….or at least we can chat about it from different perspectives.

Kai-7 said:
I was wondering if any programmer is interested

Moving this to the appropriate place. Recruiting is not permitted in the discussion forums - please limit recruiting posts to Hobby Project Classifieds (this thread is now in the correct place).

-- Tom Sloper --

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