How to apply texture map to n-point polygon using GDI+

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1 comment, last by JoeJ 1 month, 1 week ago

I'm working on a 3d viewer, minimal support for .obj and .mtl files. I'm not using opengl or directx but writing my own routines. I'm now at the point I need to add textures to the model.

As I understand texture coords are mapped [0,1] and really just ratios. I assume I need to:


to get the offsets into the file. At this point I'm not sure how to use GDI+ to process the texture to the n-point polygon I need to draw it to.


Basically you need to calculate u,v for each pixel.
For a scanline rasterizer, you interpolate them for the left and right edges of the polygon, then you interpolate between them while drawing the scanline.

Here's a tutorial:

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