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557 entries
Evil Steve
September 11, 2005
Finnaly. Copy & Paste is done

And just for fun, here's a Link to the program. There's still a few bugs I'm aware of though.

As the title might suggest, I finally got cut, copy, paste and selections working in my map editor. Hooray! It's pretty nice to use just now, all that's missing is keyboard shortcuts for Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and…
Evil Steve
September 10, 2005
Broken Kitty :(
I've decided to try and update this journal once a day again, so we'll see how long this goes on for. My guess is around 3-4 days.

I got a little done today with my editor. You can now group select tiles in the tile palette, so you can paste down 6x4 tiles or whatever fairly easily. I'm also abusing…
Evil Steve
September 09, 2005
Editor: Version 2

Ok, I've spent today getting the MMORPG editor slightly better looking. I've re-organised the code, and added a toolbar, so you can change the tile palette between a selection window (cut, copy and paste), the tile palette, and a collion detection window thingy. Screenies above. The collision dete…
Evil Steve
September 08, 2005
Whee, a map editor

Ok, it sucks. I know. But it works, and that's all that matters at the moment. Not bad for knocked up in half a day, either. The tile sheet I have really sucks, and Paint Shop Pro is playing silly buggers, so I'm going to attempt to edit the tilesheet in paint. Fun fun fun.

I was going to be going t…
Evil Steve
September 07, 2005
You'll find the back of my hand rather displeasing
Well, I think I mentioned a while ago that I'm making an MMORPG, and I finally got round to coding today, after my ex left to go home following 4 days of computer-stealage.

Anyway, it's pointless at the moment, but it can set up a nice window and draw a crap map. By "nice window", I mean a window th…
Evil Steve
September 06, 2005
Soup. Super tasty soup,
Super spicy carrot & corriander,
Chilli chowder!
Crouton! Crouton!
Crunchy friend of the liquid broth!
I am gaspacheo, uh!
I am a summer soup, oh!
Miso! Miso!
Fighting in the dojo.
Miso! Miso!
Oriental prince in the land of soup!

I'm an erotic adventurer of the most deranged kind.

Evil Steve
August 27, 2005


I got Guild Wars [smile] I seem to have more fun playing with henchmen than with other players (Even my real life friends). Perhaps that's just because I'm low level (Level 10 so far; which I don't think is that bad for 2 days of playing) and they totally ahnialate everything before I get close eno…
Evil Steve
August 25, 2005
Ok, I lied. I didn't update this in about 8 hours. I went out with a few friends after, so I'm updating now.

Anyway, overall, I think it went pretty well. They (There were two guys) asked me mostly about the stuff I'd written on my own, and asked questions like "So, what kind of code do you enjoy wr…
Evil Steve
August 24, 2005
2 hours to go
Well, I've got an hour or so to kill before it's worthwhile leaving for my interview at Rockstar. I've got everything I need, as far as I know. I have with me:
  • A print out from multimap.com because I don't remember Nottinghal Place joining onto Leith Street like it claims
  • A print out of the e-mail te…
    Evil Steve
    August 21, 2005
    Three point one four one five nine two six five th
    Well, the random parteh has turned into a three day bender so far. So all is good. I managed to rig up our garden hose to the kitchen tap with a cunning bit of engineering which I'm rather proud of.
    So my sister and her friends, and about half of my friends are sitting in the paddling pool outside, …
    Evil Steve
    August 20, 2005
    Quote: Dear Steve

    Thank you for your recent application for a position as Tools Programmer
    with Rockstar North, which we read with interest.

    We would now like to arrange an interview with yourself, to take place
    at our Edinburgh studio at the earliest convenience.

    Please can you contact me by email to a…
    Evil Steve
    August 19, 2005
    Another year of GDNet+
    Yay, my GDNet+ subscription is renewed. So you have to put up with me for another year. Mwu hu hu hu.

    Nothing much new to report (for a change). I applied for a job at Rockstar, for a Tools Programmer position, and I really hope I get at least an interview with them. I have an e-mail in my g-mail (h…
    Evil Steve
    August 17, 2005
    Mutter mutter
    Well, I don't really have anything remotely exciting to say here, this is more of a bump than anything :P

    Over the past uhh... 6 months or so, I've had about 4 people phoning me up about jobs. Then over this past week I've had 3 people phoning me up about jobs. How queer.
    One of them is in Glasgow, o…
    Evil Steve
    August 03, 2005
    I less than three Mushu
    I also have a card! Yay!

    Major kudos to Mushu [grin]

    Also, I got a 10% warning level [cry]. I'm not about to say why, but you can look at Mushu's journal about Bit Torrent. I deleted my post after Mikhail said he was looking for Mushu in A Place That Does Not Exist. It said: "lol har har you stupid I…
    Evil Steve
    July 26, 2005
    Long time no update...
    Ok, I've been procrastinating a lot lately, and doing very little. I haven't been here in about 2 months or so, and I've been doing very little programming (Although I have still been reading Dave's OpenGL book :P)

    So, interesting things that have happened...
  • I've been playing Maple Story too much, a…
    Evil Steve
    June 09, 2005
    I'm still alive!
    Ok, so I haven't done much lately except procrastinate. I've been playing that damn Maple Story, I'm level 34 now. I'll be happy when I get to level 35. I also haven't done any coding in 2 or 3 weeks.

    I'm considering entering 4e4, and I'm considering a MMORPG. Yes, yes, I know, 1 person doing a MMOR…
    Evil Steve
    May 31, 2005
    2 bottles of Blossom Hill White Zinfandel (Rose wine for you cretins out there) + talking to your ex for 3 hours on MSN and This Does Not Exist != a good idea. Oh well, I'll probably wake up and think "Dear god, what the hell was I talking about".

    Anyway... I haven't made an entry in a while, since …
    Evil Steve
    May 11, 2005
    Holy GeoMipMaps, batman!
    Hooray! GeoMipMaps are done. I did it in a slightly odd way though. I'll talk about what I did after I show you my ultimate screenshot of awesomeness:

    The odd thing is that I didn't use multiple index buffers. Instead, I used one index buffer and wrote (by hand) a 1300 line function to fill it. In t…
    Evil Steve
    May 09, 2005
    Whee, terrain
    I thought I'd have a play with some terrain for a change, since I haven't done one before. Well, I tried, but they were really crap.
    My terrain at the moment can cope with a 512x512 heightmap quite comfortably (~40 FPS when rendering the whole thing - about 500k triangles), and a 256x256 terrain run…
    Evil Steve
    May 06, 2005
    Hooray, my Particle System Editor is up on the GDS page. And the source code is availiable Here.

    Evil Steve
    May 05, 2005
    I love elections. In fact, I'm having one right no
    Peh, It's 00:45, and the election is on 3 of 5 terrestrial channels. It was on 4 of 5 channels earlier. Peh.

    In other news, I finished my particle system editor. I'll try and remember to add it to my GD showcase (although I don't know if it counts :P). I have a few nice presets now, such as a blob o…
    Evil Steve
    May 03, 2005
    D3D Font Fun
    Woah, it's been a while since I made a Journal entry. I haven't really been doing a lot, I got a temp job, doing contract work for Mastercare, installing fancy new tills (cash registers etc) for the Dixon's group. I also played around with my particle system editor a bit, and added some more stuff …
    Evil Steve
    April 04, 2005
    Whee, particle systems
    I decided to take a break from my MUD project, and do a mini side project - A particle system editor.
    I intend to write a particle system class that can read and write ini-like settings, and this editor to let you see what's going on.
    Everything you see on the dialog is completely functional. I just …
    Evil Steve
    March 29, 2005
    How to crash Win2k with CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
    I was working on a custom assert() statement for my MUD server, and I thought I should test it out. My server has 4 threads running, although they're usually all blocked, except for the main one. Using the default assert() causes the threadthat hit the assert to pause until you dismiss the dialog b…
    Evil Steve
    March 28, 2005
    Ok, Avatar support is completely done. I've now got a few minor things to do to DruinkIM, then I can get back on with the MUD server.
    Here's a screenshot of the avatar viewer in action, with my amazing custom control:

    The "steve" tooltip is the actual tooltip, and the "Testing, 123,..." bit is becaus…
    Evil Steve
    March 26, 2005
    Whee, custom controls
    The ListView control irritates me. Firstly, I couldn't get it to display how I wanted it to in the dialog editor, then I couldn't get it to display anything in my app, then I realised it uses bloody Image Lists, which means all the images need to be the same size. Which is a slightly annoying limit…
    Evil Steve
    March 24, 2005
    Avatar Support!
    Hooray, DruinkMUD has avatar support! Unfortunately, there's no clients that support it yet. I didn't get around to that early night, I was up till 1am designing a plugin for DruinkIM that will provide avatar support, and some extra DruinkMUD stuff, like a constant visual representation of your sta…
    Evil Steve
    March 23, 2005
    Oh Teh Commandx0rz!
    Yes, I was right. I was up early. But not as early as I could have been, thankfully. So I got up at 9am, after 4 hours sleep...

    First up, congratulations to Drew_Benton who got to #1 on the Top 50 Rated Posters list. We'd been fairly close for a while, at around positiong 6 to 8, and then he flew pa…
    Evil Steve
    March 22, 2005
    I used to be indescisive, but now I'm not so sure
    Another update. Just for the hell of it, since it's now midnight, and I'm having an early night.
    In addition to what I posted earlier, I also fixed a few minor bugs, and added some commands. You can now change your showname, desc, and status. Status can be "AFK" or "Busy". It's more as a notificatio…
    Evil Steve
    March 22, 2005
    Yay, a scripted MUD
    My MUD now has simple scripting using DruinkScript [smile] I ended up writing my own string class, since I want a nice lightweight one that can actually free memory when I tell it to, which std::string doesn't (calling std::string::clear() doesn't free memory). The reason is, that I use memory pool…

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