🎉 Celebrating 25 Years of GameDev.net! 🎉

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557 entries
Evil Steve
October 10, 2005
Ok, I haven't posted in a few days because I was busy all of Friday with LAN party stuff, I was busy tidying up and getting drunk on Saturday, and I was hungover all of Sunday. So, here I am on Monday.

The LAN party was alright, but it could have been better. We had 3 PCs on wireless LAN, but becaus…
Evil Steve
October 05, 2005
Zomg new PC!
Hurrah! New PC! It's taken me about 24 hours to build it, install everything, and copy my data from my old drives. I spent about 14 hours yesterday building it and installing XP and drivers, and around 10 hours installing apps, games and transferring data.
Thanks to everyone in #gamedev who helped. …
Evil Steve
October 03, 2005
I'm waiting on T-Mobile sending me my MMS and WAP settings, and have been for 2 hours. Balls.

Also, it seems to be impossible to transfer Java apps to my phone using the USB cable. I need to use a bluetooth adapter (which my PC doesn't have), or WAP (which my phone doesn't want to do just now, becau…
Evil Steve
October 03, 2005
Yay! I got a Black Motorola RAZR V3. I'm happy. GBP160, and you get GBP10 topup with that, and a Virgin SIM with GBP5 credit on it. It cost an additional GBP15 to get it unlocked, so total price was GBP175 and comes with GBP15 topup.

I'm now trying to work out how to change the MMS and WAP settings,…
Evil Steve
October 02, 2005
Damn. I failed at making 1 post a day. The plus side is that hopefully the content will get better.

I managed to break my phone yesterday, so I've decided that I want a black Motorola Razr V3. And, I'll try playing with J2ME for it.
I had a poke around the carphone warehouse website - a T-Mobile phon…
Evil Steve
September 30, 2005
Warning: This is a drunk post, and may (does) contain naughty words.

I can't fucking stand retarded people who think that just because they have a livejournal and a myspace account that they rule the universe.

A bit of background:
My friend (The one who I've mentioned several times before in this jou…
Evil Steve
September 29, 2005
Part 47c
Insert sprocket into rib cage using provided dongle.

I'm going to bed.
Evil Steve
September 28, 2005
Whee, String Theory
I made a config file loader. Well, I converted some old code, so it uses a callback to read a line. That way I can easily read data from resources. I just have this code:

// Function to load a config file from a binary re…
Evil Steve
September 28, 2005
Whee, String Theory
I made a config file loader. Well, I converted some old code, so it uses a callback to read a line. That way I can easily read data from resources. I just have this code:

// Function to load a config file from a binary re…
Evil Steve
September 27, 2005
Yay, Digital
Whee, we have digital TV now. No more crappy cable with about 8 channels. The guys were really efficient, they got the whole thing done in about 30 minutes. It would be less if our Internet connection wasn't fubar. Apparently the signal strength was extremely low, because it turned out that we were…
Evil Steve
September 26, 2005
Free code!
I finally "finished" my sound manager code. It could probably do with some tweaking, but I haven't had the need yet. I'll upload a new version if I find cause to change anything much in it.
So, as promised, you can download it from Here.

And now for the documentation. To initialize it, call
Evil Steve
September 25, 2005


Bah, don't try going to The Mission sober. It's not worth it.

I was feeling shitty, so I was in bed all day. Now I'm off to a house cooling party (Just an excuse for a pissup). No coding done. I'm just posting for the hell of it.

Here, look at my lovely loggin, particularly for the sound stuffness:

Evil Steve
September 24, 2005
Now I remember why I hate driving in town
Driving in town (Queen Street) on a Saturday evening is "interesting". I got sideswiped twice. The first time, there were 3 lanes; left/straight, straight, right. I was in the middle lane, and some guy in the inside (left) decided he wanted to be there too, so he pulled out without checking his bli…
Evil Steve
September 23, 2005
Ok, I was wrong. My friends idea of "the entire day" is 5pm till 8pm. Still it's better than nothing I guess. She's supposed to be phoning me when she's finished organising accomodation with another of her friends, so I can persuade her to stay with me tonight. Completely innocent, it's just that w…
Evil Steve
September 22, 2005
Whee, multiple resolutions
Well, the program now supports multiple resolutions. The map is designed to be viewed at 1024x768. If you view it at a lower resolution, everything is scaled. If you view it at a higher resolution, everything will be scaled up, but you hopefully won't notice that at all. The only real benifit of ha…
Evil Steve
September 21, 2005
Nothing much coding related
Well, I was half right. I didn't get and coding done. But I did meet up with my friend. My Apoptygma Berzerk CD didn't come either, but I expect it'll be here tomorrow or Friday.
I ended up watching Highlander II. It's... bizzare. Completely different to Highlander. So I have Highlander III to watch…
Evil Steve
September 20, 2005
Yay, performance monitoring
Well it turns out that Telewest aren't coming till next Tuesday; my dad got the installation date wrong. So I got some proper sleep, then got coffee'd up, and got some coding done. And also, my bed is due to arrive on Friday. Yay!

So, I did a bit of work on the MMORPG client program for a change (no…
Evil Steve
September 19, 2005
This just gets better
My day just gets better and better.

At 7:30, I decided I'd had enough waiting for my friend to text me, after she hung up on me when I phoned her, and ignored my text messages (Ok, she replied to them but didn't answer the question: "When do you want me to come and pick you up"). So I went to see Pr…
Evil Steve
September 19, 2005
Well, good news is that all my Microsoft stuff arrived. Bad news is that I've had a shitty day, and it's only 5pm.

I didn't get to sleep till 5am (Damn you, Coke-cola...), then I was woken up at 9am by my dad yelling on me that the phone was for me. When I got downstairs (Around 30 seconds later), t…
Evil Steve
September 18, 2005
Hooray, map editor finished
I finally finished my map editor. It's awesome. You can download it from Here if you want, but I don't think there's much point in it. Most of it should be pretty self explanatory. Oh yeah, it needs the very latest DirectX files (August 2005), if you don't have them you can get a redistributable fr…
Evil Steve
September 18, 2005
Yay, Apoptygma Berzerk
Well, I just spent GBP58.95 on 5 Apoptygma Berzerk CDs, because I decided I needed them. Immediately. Well, they won't be here till the start of October, but it'll do.
I got:
  • The Apocalyptic Manifest
  • 7
  • Kathy's Song
  • APBL2000
  • You And Me Against The World

    Evil Steve
    September 17, 2005
    I ran like... someone who runs lots
    23 minutes from the Dean bridge to March Road. I think that's not too bad myself. My legs are throbbing like a throbber that's about to throb it's last throb, though. So yeah. I'm gonna goto bed. In other news: I miss Spilly [what the hell is the crying smiley thing? Apparently it's not [cry] or [s…
    Evil Steve
    September 17, 2005
    This is a Journal
    Well, I got a little coding done, at last. You can now move collision lines around, and I got a bug in the selection code fixed. Yay.
    I finally ordered my bed, from Homebase. It should come in around 14 days. And it fits in my room perfectly, which surprised my parents who were against be getting a …
    Evil Steve
    September 16, 2005
    I am a fish
    Yay, my Microsoft tack was dispatched today. I wonder how long it'll take to arrive.
    Nothing much of interest to say, except that I have a monster hangover. So I'm not coding today. The map editor should only take a day or two to finish off though, so I hope to get that done ASAP.
    I also finally got …
    Evil Steve
    September 15, 2005
    Random crap
    Ok, I decided I couldn't face coding. Instead, I decided to do some real MVP stuff, checking out the newsgroups and so on.

    And then I remembered: "Hey, I have a $150 voucher for the Microsoft store!". So I went and bought a bunch of crap, ranging from carabiner clips to a copy of Windows XP.
    Here's w…
    Evil Steve
    September 15, 2005
    A reply from Rockstar
    Quote: Dear Steve

    Thank you for recently attending an interview for a Programmer position with Rockstar North.

    Sadly, I must inform you that, despite careful consideration, we are unable to take your application any further on this occasion. However, we do intend holding your details on file for futu…
    Evil Steve
    September 14, 2005
    Clean fishtank, bloody hand
    Well, I got around to cleaning out my fish tank. I have this huge glass which holds 21 pints, which I use to store the fish in while it's tank is being cleaned. So I had just finished, and was emptying out the water from the huge glass, and I managed to slip in the bathroom and land in the bath on …
    Evil Steve
    September 13, 2005
    Ok, another entry
    I decided I may as well post another entry. I got bored coding though, so I didn't do that much.
    You can put down colision lines, and select them (hover the mouse over them), and they turn white. But that's about it. I did my optimization too; it won't try to render or test for mouse intersections w…
    Evil Steve
    September 13, 2005


    Well, I'm procrastinating just now, so I decided to post here. I'm just starting to do collision detection in my editor, and it seems to be working fairly well. You can draw single lines at the moment, and I'm about to change it so you draw polylines. All the lines are just jammed into a vector, an…
    Evil Steve
    September 11, 2005
    Alcohol is awesome
    Well, it's almost 2am now. I left Opium early because I was knackered, and because I felt too sober to stay. I managed to miss the last bus by about 30 seconds - I saw it pass the road end as I approached. So I went back to Opium for a wee bit.

    Amyway, I left there a while ago, and I decided to time…

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