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posted in DruinkJournal
Published August 18, 2006
Fucking cocks.

Ok, I warn you now - this is not game dev related, it's a semi-drunk post (I've had 6 Jack's and coke [Oh god, so many...]), and I'm mighty pissed off.

So, my frined (Niki), another friend (Catherine) and I were at a club in Edinburgh (Opium). We were there for a couple of hours or so, and Catherine went off outside somewhere. She'd been missing for about 10 minutes, and the place was rapidly getting busy, and we were running out of money, and we were basically getting bored.
So, Niki tries to phone her. He needs to hold his phone up to get some signal, and it's the engaged tone. I give it a try. No luck. We both decide that if she's not back in 5 minutes, we both leave. So, Niki checks the time on his phone (Since he doesn't have a watch with him) every couple of minutes. Finally, the 5 minutes are up. Niki puts his phone away and we both get up from the booth (A U shape of seats really). Some cock sitting next to Niki demands to see his phone. Oddly enough, Niki just ignores him and keeps walking. Then the guy grabs him, bends his thumb back and tries to grab the phone off of him. I (Already 3m or so away) turn around, see the fuckass bending over Niki, him sitting down, while his two friends try to restrain him. So I run up and try to pull him away from my friend. My efforts award me a smack in my face, causing my glasses to go flying.
Now, I'm a blind bastard at the best of times. So I can't see shit with my glasses lying at some unknown location on the floor, and I don't really want to go scuffling around and end up standing on them. So I just sort of fall on top of the guy and try to hold his arms.

It's about this point that the bouncers turn up and drag all of us outside, while I'm sitting with a bloody nose, a scraped cheak and a scartched eyelid, Niki is protesting about this utter cunt trying to break his thumb (When he was trying to prise the phone off him), and the other guy is just standing there.
Finally, we all end up outside and the bouncers all just completely ignore us. No "What happened?", no "You're barred", nothing but "Step away from the door please". Obviously, so long as we're not inside, it's none of their concern.

So, Mr. Fucking CuntFace starts arguing that Niki had been filming him the whole night, while Niki and I tell him repeatedly that Cathering had wandered off, we were trying to phone her, we were trying to get signal, and we were checking the time.
Mr. Fucking CuntFace's friend then tells me to come over with him to discuss what happened. So me Mr. FCF and his friend are standing against the wall opposite the club and I repeat the whole thing to him. He finally comes out with the amazing response of "Well, you shouldn't have been waving your phone about".
I started explaining that it was Mr. FCF that was over reacting and "So fucking what? The fucking cunt shouldn't have lept up and started hitting my friend just because he didn't immediately show him his phone".
Then his friend decided to just stop being reasonable and keep repeating "Ok fuck off now". I'm a stubborn bastard, and I hate being told to fuck off, particularly when I was asked to go and talk about it in the first place. So I started mouthing off with the usual crap "Why don't you and your fucking homo friend go and try to steal someone elses phones" "No, I won't fuck off, it's a free country" "No, I won't fuck off, you got me over here, you can fuck off", etc.

I decided to involve some police who were walking past, and I asked one of them if it was legal to take someones picture without their permission, so long as you don't do anything with it (Like publish it). I was under the impression that photographing someone was fine, but you needed there permission to publish it. According to Mr. Policeman, it's illegal anyway. So I admitted defeat and turned around to tell Mr. FCF's friend that he was right - if Niki had been filming Mr. FCF, it was illegal. But he was already sodding off, being dragged by his friends (Presumably not wanting to get the police involved).

Now, the advantage of hindsight. I should have said that I was assaulted (I was bleeding from the nose, had spats of blood on my T-shirt, had a starting-to-swell eye, and a scrape on my chin), and that Mr. FCF started it. I'd be perfectly happy to spend a night in the cells so long as that utter cock was there too.
Likewise, I wish I'd just smacked either Mr. FCF or his friend when they started telling me to fuck off.
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Rob Loach
Whoa, GUI programming + Font management! Missed that one!
August 18, 2006 11:02 PM
People are dicks like that. I was out at the pool hall last night and some drunk bastard tried to fight my friend because some girl bought him a drink. Luckily, the two regular policemen there are good friends of ours, and they resolved the situation before someone got hurt... but for crying out loud, why are people so immediately violent?
August 19, 2006 04:52 AM
Evil Steve
Quote: Original post by BDePesa
... but for crying out loud, why are people so immediately violent?
Most people are stupid.
August 19, 2006 08:26 AM
Man that sucks. Glad you're reasonably okay - sounded like it could've been a whole lot worse.

Regarding the bouncers... you're lucky based on what I've seen. Once you're off their property then its fine for them to ignore you, but the place I used to work had a tendency to give rejects a "good seeing to" on the streets outside. No reason, just the bouncers there were thugs.

You should've claimed assault/whatever and got the police people to step in more.

August 19, 2006 08:45 AM
Here's a copy of the UK Phtographer's Rights PDF

Here's the US photographer's Rights PDF

Know your rights.
August 19, 2006 08:47 AM
Hope you got your glasses back before you left... I have resigned to drinking at home with my girlfriend due to the amount of violence there is when going out to pubs and clubs. They also charge extortinate prices.
August 19, 2006 09:19 AM
Evil Steve
Opium is usually pretty violence free. I'm blaming the Edinburgh festival being on, and all the randomers going out looking for somewhere to get drunk.

Yeah, I got my glasses back before we got punted out.

I had a quick look at that photographers rights thing, but there wasn't any mention of taking pictures of people.

Feh, I've calmed down now anyway. I'm off out to get properly drunk again, this time at a friends house [smile]
August 19, 2006 09:46 AM
Quote: I had a quick look at that photographers rights thing, but there wasn't any mention of taking pictures of people.
Sounds like you've been through a lot. I'll read it for you.

The lack of any coherent law of privacy in the UK means that photographers are not only free to take photographs of people in public places, but they can use those photos as they wish, including for commercial gain. In some countries, individuals have rights over the commercial use of their images, hence the importance of obtaining a model release for the use of an image that contains a recognizable person. UK law does not, at present, recognize this right.

It is illegal to harass another person and taking photographs could amount to harassment. This isn't to say that someone could claim they were being harassed just because they were being photographed when they didn't want to be.

Basically just shove the phone down his throat next time.
August 19, 2006 04:57 PM
Evil Steve
Quote: Original post by noaktree
Basically just shove the phone down his throat next time.
I like the way you think [grin]

And yes, I'm stupid and blind. [smile]
August 19, 2006 07:59 PM
Evil Steve
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Out of interest who was on the door?
Terry and someone else. I didn't notice the other one.

August 20, 2006 12:05 PM
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